The Belgrave Baheno Peepul Centre (BBPC) is a registered charity (charity number 1092389) that works with a number of different organisations to help the local community.
The most rewarding thing is witnessing the development of thousands of ordinary women and the empowerment of communities enabling normal people to take everyday control over their own future.
Everybody in the local community knows somebody who has been helped by Belgrave Baheno over the years. It is this credibility and track record that forms the basis of trust and collective pride in the work of Belgrave Baheno.
- The project raised and won the first legal test cases against low pay helping to implement the minimum wage assisting thousands caught in a poverty trap to earn a living wage
- With the support of the local MP, Belgrave Baheno championed The Race Relations Remedies Bill bringing cases of race related discrimination compensation in line with gender related cases
- For over 20 years the practical activities and programmes of music, dance, education, social welfare, vocational training, childcare and business support helped thousands of ordinary local people to grow